Date | Event |
01.03~12.29 | Arranged the Preparation and Promotion of Teaching Plans for Investment and Financial Management by Age, under the commission of TWSE. The preparation of teaching plan for middle school students was completed. Going |
02.01 | Launched new version of proxy authorization inquiry and application system. |
02.16~12.27 | Organized 57 sessions of the 2023 Bringing Financial Literacy to Your Home Seminar - VAC Project, under the commission of the Taiwan Financial Services Roundtable. |
02.22~06.14 | Organized the International Finance Seminars Courses for the 2022 academic year. |
02.23~06.15 | Organized credit courses of the Asia Regional Finance and Financial Innovation and Transaction Courses for the 2022 academic year in Tainan. |
02.23~12.14 | Arranged 5 sessions of the University Capital Market Specialized Practical Courses for the first time. |
03.01~03.04 | Visited Malaysia Minority Shareholders Watch Group (MSWG) and Bursa Malaysia (the stock exchange of Malaysia) for the Feasibility Study of Establishing a Proxy Advisory Firms. |
03.01~07.28 | Organized the 2023 Python Asset Management Application Practices Workshop, and Python Asset Management AI Strategic Trading Competition. |
03.08~12.21 | Organized 30 sessions of the Financial Management onto the Campus Lecture Series, under the commission of TDCC. |
03.10~03.11 | Organized the 1st Certified International Investment Analysts (CIIA) Foundation and Final Examinations for 2023. |
03.12~12.09 | Organized 18 sessions of the 2023 In-Depth Financial Knowledge Seminar, under the commission of the Taiwan Financial Services Roundtable. |
03.13 | Completed the first-year study for the Establishment of Capital Market Indicators in Taiwan. |
03.14~12.20 | Organized the 2023 New Financial Knowledge of Asset Management and Legal Compliance Series Seminar, including 4 sessions, i.e., "Improved Measures and Zero-Trust Strategy for Financial Data Security," "Asset Management Application and Risk Management of Generative AI," "Analysis of Global Sustainability and Climate Disclosure Standards," and "Supervision and Risk Control of Virtual Assets." |
03.15~11.09 | Organized the 2023 Training Program on Enhanced English Communication of Securities and Futures Merchants, including 4 sessions, i.e., "Business English for Travel and Social Occasions," "Business English for Conferences and Conventions," "Business English for Presentation," and "English for Project Reporting and Proposal Writing." |
03.22~06.28 | Organized 17 sessions of the 2023 New Approach to Financial Planning Seminars for Military Personnel, under the commission of TDCC. |
03.28~12.18 | Organized 20 sessions of Money Management General Education for College Students. |
03.31 | Completed the Feasibility Study of Establishing a Proxy Advisory Firms, under the commission of Taiwan Depository & Clearing Corporation, etc. |
04 | Launched the ESG Section on the official website of Securities and Futures Institute. |
04.01~11.08 | Organized the judging process for the 17th Golden Goblet Award. |
04.07~06.20 | Held phase 1 domestic training of the 2023 SFI GoProS Training Program. |
04.07~09.24 | Arranged 30 sessions of the Financial Literacy Program 2023: Investing for the Future Lecture Series, under the commission of the Securities and Futures Bureau, FSC. |
04.07~10.23 | Organized 2023 Financial Technology Capacity Building Training Program - Artificial Intelligence, including 4 modules, i.e., "Digital Marketing Strategic," "Big Data Analysis," "Legal Compliance Technology and Risk Management Application," and "Artificial Intelligence." |
04.10~11.13 | Organized the 2023 Asset Management Sustainable Development Talent Cultivation Class, including three modules, i.e., "International Standards and Investment," "Climate Governance and Carbon Management," and [Sustainability Disclosure and Risk Management,] for 2 phases. |
04.11 | The entry of the Review of Securities and Futures Markets (RSFM), "Effects of Implicit Guarantees on Bank Risk Taking-From Individual Loan Perspective," was selected as an outstanding paper of the 13th UMC Management Thesis Award. |
04.11~04.12 | Organized the 2nd Licensing Examination for Hong Kong Securities and Futures Intermediaries for 2023. |
04.17~10.17 | Held the 2023 Practical Course for Information Security in Securities and Futures, including 4 modules, i.e., "Financial Information Security Financial Regulations," "Financial Information Security App Inspection and Cloud Data Security Practices," "Financial Information Security Incident Processing Practices," "Essentials of Financial Information Security Auditing." |
04.18~12.30 | Produced and broadcasted 41 episodes of the “2023 Futures Knowledge Online Program.” (The production period was extended to 2024.) |
04.23~11.29 | Arranged 50 sessions of Financial Literacy Program 112: Investing for the Future Lecture Series, under the commission of TWSE. |
05.09~07.01 | Organized the 4th Futures Specialist Training Program, under the commission of TAIFEX. |
05.12、07.14、07.07、07.21 | Arranged the Workshops for Understanding Futures and Options Market Practices for judges and clerks (Taipei, Taichung, Tainan, and Kaohsiung). |
05.15~10.04 | Arranged the 2023 Taipei Exchange online securities investment camp under the commission of TPEX. |
05.24~05.27 | Arranged 2 sessions of 2023 Asset Management Industry Perspective - Roundtable Exchange. |
06 | Launched the Shareholders' Meeting Corporate Governance Section on the website. |
06.01~12.27 | Arranged 4 sessions of 2023 In-Person Campus Lecture on Financial Education of Universities. |
06.02、05.19、10.13、06.16 | Arranged 4 sessions of the 102th Securities and Futures Markets Regulations and Case Studies Seminar (for judges, officials, and clerks, and judges’ assistants). |
06.02、06.09、10.13、10.20 | Organized 4 sessions of the 2023 Insider Trading Prevention Information Session, under the commission of TWSE. |
06.10~08.26 | Organized 5 large-scale promotional events on 2023 New Investment Trends, with livestreaming. |
06.12~06.16 | Organized the 101th Securities and Futures Markets Regulations and Case Studies Seminars (for prosecutors/investigators and judicial officers). |
06.13~11.30 | Organized the Promotional Campaign on Expert Opinion and Celebrity Experience Sharing of Money Management, with 2 column articles published, and 6 episodes of podcast broadcasted. |
06.14、07.07、07.19 | Organized 3 sessions of the 2023 Securities Industry Legal Compliance Promotional Conference. |
06.16 | Held the 2023 Asset Management Prospect Series - Implementation of Sustainability Action Plans to Strengthen Capital Market Development. |
06.27~12.06 | Arranged 21 sessions of the 2023 Futures and Options Dissemination Lectures, under the commission of TAIFEX. |
06.29~06.30 09.21~09.22 | Organized the 9th and 10th Workshop for Understanding Futures and Options Market Practices for prosecutors/investigators. |
06.30 | Passed the first-year full organization audit of the second cycle of ISO CNS27001: 2013 and obtained the certification. |
07.03~08.31 | Organized the online prize winning game to promote futures knowledge. |
07.04~09.12 | Held phase 1 domestic training of the 2023 ALPHA+ Training Program for Asset Management. |
07.08、08.19 | Jointly held the 2023 Financial Services Caring Carnival in Kaohsiung and Yilan with the Taiwan Financial Services Roundtable. |
07.10~07.11 07.17~07.18 | Organized 2 sessions of the Training Program for Key Industry and Securities Underwriters. |
07.10~09.04 | Organized the online game of Learning Graph Path for Mutual Fund Investors. |
07.11 | Published the 2022 SFI Sustainability Report (Chinese and English versions). |
07.28 | Completed the Study on Reduced Securities Transaction taxes for Day Trading, under the commission of TWSE, etc. |
07.29~08.27 | Arranged the 2023 overseas English communication course, the University of Toronto International English Program. |
08.01~09.30 | Organized the financial knowledge online promotion game, Unlocking Financial Knowledge with TFSR, under the commission of the Taiwan Financial Services Roundtable. |
08.03~08.18 | Arranged the National Securities Knowledge Camp for Teachers, under the commission of TWSE, which included 8 onsite courses and 1 online promotion activity. |
08.04、08.18、08.11、09.15 | Arranged the 103th Securities and Futures Markets Regulations and Case Studies Seminar (for judges, officials, and clerks, and judges’ assistants). |
08.06 | Organized the 2nd professional subject examination on securities, securities investment trust and consulting, and futures, and internal control basic competency examination for 2023. |
08.15 | Organized the ESG Transformation Strategic Mindset Seminar, and Seminar for Competencies of Green Collar Talents Amidst Sustainability Transformation. |
08.29~09.28 | Arranged 4 sessions of Asset Management Training Camp for University Students. |
09.13~113.01.10 | Organized the Interdisciplinary Financial Analysis master’s degree course for the 2023 academic year. |
09.15 | Organized the 2023 Asset Management Prospect Series Forum - Aligning with International Carbon Reduction Trend For Promoting Enterprise Net-Zero Transformation. |
09.15~09.16 | Organized the 2nd Certified International Investment Analysts (CIIA) Foundation and Final Examinations for 2023. |
09.15~113.01.12 | Organized the Asset Management Big Data and Algorithm Application Practices master's degree course for the 2023 academic year. |
09.16~09.27 | Held the 2023 SFI GoProS Training Program, phase 2 Germany and Switzerland financial and industry development study group. |
09.16~11.15 | Conducted the Interactive Filter Promotion for the Mutual Fund of AMED Fund event. |
09.16~113.01.13 | Organized credit courses of the Asia Regional Finance and Financial Innovation and Transaction Courses for the 2023 academic year in Taichung. |
09.19-10.13 | Organized phase 1 domestic training of the 2023 Advanced Wealth Management Specialist Training Workshop, including 4 themes, i.e., "Inheritance of Family Fortune," "Cross-Country Taxation and Trust for High-Value Clients," and "Management Practice of High-Value Clients." |
09.20、10.13 | Organized the 2023 Understanding Asset Management Market Practice Course for prosecutors/investigators and judicial officers. |
09.21~113.01.11 | Organized the ESG and Investment Analysis bachelor’s degree course for the 2023 academic year. |
09.21~113.01.11 | Organized the International Investment Analysis master's degree course for the 2023 academic year. |
09.23、10.27 | Arranged the 2023 Sustainable Development Workshop for TWSE and TPEx Listed Companies, under the commission of TWSE. |
09.25~12.22 | Arranged the Knowledge is King: the 20th Grand Contest on Investment Securities for University Students, including the online qualifying, regional semifinal, and final rounds, under the commission of TWSE. |
10.02~10.08 | Participated in World Investor Week 2023, which was organized by the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) and the FSC. |
10.04 | Completed three studies under the commission of Asset Management Fund, namely "Study of Transformation from Corporate Governance to Sustainability Evaluation in Taiwan in Line with International ESG Evaluation," "Study of Effects on Asset Management Imposed by International Implementation of Climate Change Policy Response," "Study of Family Office System and Wealth Management Development in Major Asia-Pacific Countries." |
10.04~10.06 | Organized the 104th Securities and Futures Markets Regulations and Case Studies Seminars (for prosecutors investigators). |
10.10~10.13 | Visited MSWG and Institutional Investors Council Malaysia (IIC) for international exchange. |
10.12 | Arranged 1 session of 2023 New Trends for Investors of Asset Management for the first time. |
10.13、10.18、10.27、11.10、11.14 | Arranged the Securities and Futures Industry (Including Introducing Brokers) Legal Compliance Promotional Conference (6 sessions, in-person and video conference sessions). |
10.14~10.24 | Organized the 2023 Study Camps for the Senior Executives of Asset Management. |
10.18~12.15 | Arranged the 11th Futures Asset Management Personnel Training Program under the commission of TAIFEX. |
10.31 | The SFI was graded A in placing domestic workers by private employment service agencies in an evaluation for 2023 conducted by the Department of Labor, Taipei City Government. |
10.31 | Presented the Best Paper Award for the 2022 Securities Market Quarterly. |
11.02~11.03 | Organized the 3rd Training Program for Green and Sustainable Finance for 2023. |
11.07~11.08 | Organized the 2nd Licensing Examination for Hong Kong Securities and Futures Intermediaries for 2023. |
11.08、11.15、11.22、11.29 | Arranged the 2023 Insider Ownership Regulations for TWSE-Listed Companies and Unlisted Public Companies, under the commission of Taiwan Stock Exchange. |
11.10 | Organized the 2023 New Trends in CFTC Derivatives Regulation Seminar. |
11.11 | Arranged the Derivatives Trading Strategies and Market Outlook for TWSE/TPEx Listed Companies. under the commission of TAIFEX. |
11.12~11.23 | Organized the 2023 ALPHA+ Training Program for Asset Management, phase 2 overseas study in New York, USA. |
11.20~12.21 | Signed a memorandum for licensing examination and promotional collaboration with Takming University of Science and Technology, National Taipei University of Business, and China University of Technology respectively. |
11.24 | Launched the new version of Database of Independent Directors. |
11.29 | Organized the Seminar on "Elevating Finance Careers with Cutting-Edge CIIA International Certification". |
12.03 | Organized the 3rd professional subject examination on securities, securities investment trust and consulting, and futures, internal control basic competency examination, and AML/CFT Specialist written examination for 2023. |
12.06 | Completed voluntary submission of the study proposal for Research on Capital Market Resilience Pertaining to Market Liquidity, Financial Technology and Innovation, and Sustainable Finance. |
12.12 | Organized the 2nd session of 2023 international conference on asset management, "New Analysis of ESG, REITs, and PE Fund Investment Trends." |
12.15 | Completed the study of International Engagement Practice and Future Development Trend, under the commission of Taiwan Depository & Clearing Corporation, etc. |
12.21 | Arranged the Workshop for New Disclosure Requirements on Shareholders of TWSE and TPEx Listed Companies with 5% Shareholding or more, under the commission of TWSE. |
12.28 | Completed the Study of Roles of Central Custody in Promoting Sustainable Finance in Taiwan, under the commission of Taiwan Depository & Clearing Corporation. |
Date | Event |
01.10~12.30 | Organized 70 sessions of the 2022 “Bringing Financial Literacy to Your Home Seminar - VAC Project” under the commission of the Taiwan Financial Services Roundtable. |
02.16~06.22 | Organized the International Finance Seminars Courses 2021. |
02.23~06.15 | Organized credit courses of the Asia Regional Finance and Financial Innovation and Transaction Courses 2021-2022 in Tainan. |
03.01~11.01 | Organized the Asset Management New Knowledge and Legal Compliance Series Seminar, with four sessions on ESG Fund Information Disclosure, Strategies for Sustainable Development and Transformation of the Securities and Futures Industry, Greenhouse Gas Inventory and Disclosure of Financial Institutions, and Information Security Supervision and Practice under the Trend of Digital Transformation. |
03.03~12.30 | Organized 18 sessions of the 2022 “Financial Knowledge to the Community Seminar" in various remote areas throughout Taiwan, under the commission of the TFSR. |
03.09~12.28 | Organized 20 sessions of Money Management General Education for College Students. |
03.11~03.12 | Organized the 1st Certified International Investment Analysts(CIIA) Foundation and Final Exams in 2022. |
03.16~11.25 | Organized the 2022 Training Program on Enhanced English Communication for Securities and Futures Merchants, with 4 sessions on Investment Product Introduction and Customer Relationship Management, Financial Product Sales Presentation Skills, Business Negotiation and Customer Relationship Management, and International Financial Issues and Current Affairs throughout the year. |
03.24~11.11 | Organized 15 sessions of the New Approach to Financial Planning Seminars for Military Personnel under the commission of TDCC. |
03.28 | The "Review of Securities and Futures Markets" was awarded 5th place periodical (economics) for Long Term Periodicals Dissemination in the 2022 Most Influential Academic Resources in Taiwan from the National Central Library. |
04.08~12.31 | Organized the 2022 Online Campaign for “Investment Risk for Investors” under the joint commission of TWSE, TPEx, and TAIFEX. |
04.13~06.22 | Phase 1 (domestic training) of the 2022 SFI GoProS Training Program). |
04.13~08.20 | Arranged 30 sessions of the "Financial Literacy Program 2022: Investing for the Future Lecture Series" under the commission of the Securities and Futures Bureau, FSC. |
04.17 | Organized the first professional subject exam on securities, securities investment trust and consulting, and futures, and internal control basic competency exam in 2022. |
04.18、04.19 | Organized the 2022 Practical Course for Information Security in Securities and Futures - Financial Information Security and Financial Regulations. |
04.25~12.08 | Organized 28 sessions of the "Financial Literacy onto the Campus Series" under the commission of TDCC, and produced 5 episodes of podcasts to introduce basic financial knowledge. |
05.02~12.17 | Arranged 50 sessions of "Financial Literacy Program 2022: Investing for the Future Lecture Series" under the commission of the TWSE. |
05.03~06.30 | Organized the 3rd Futures Specialist Training Program under the commission of TAIFEX. |
05.13、05.27、07.15、07.22 | Arranged the Workshops for Understanding Futures and Options Market Practices for Judges and Clerks (Taipei, Taichung, Tainan, and Kaohsiung). |
05.19~05.20 | Organized the 2021 Workshops for Understanding Futures and Options Market Practices for Prosecutors/Investigators (7th). |
05.20、06.10、10.14、10.21、10.28 | Organized 5 sessions of the 2022 Insider Trading Prevention Information Session under the commission of TWSE. |
05.24~06.08 | Organized 2 sessions of the Training Program for Key Industry and Securities Underwriters. |
05.27、06.10、06.17、07.08 | Arranged 4 sessions of the 84th Securities and Futures Markets Regulations and Case Studies Seminar (Judges, Officials, and Clerks, and Judges’ Assistants Course). |
05.30~10.03 | Arranged the "2022 Online Financial Elite Camp for College Students" under the commission of TPEx. |
06.06~06.10 | Organized the 97th Securities and Futures Markets Regulations and Case Studies Seminars (for prosecutors/investigators and judicial officers). |
06.10~12.30 | Produced and broadcasted 47 episodes of the “Futures Knowledge Online Program”. |
06.13~06.14 | Organized the 2022 Practical Course for Information Security in Securities and Futures - Financial Information Security App Testing and Cloud Data Security Practice. |
06.17 | Held the 2022 Asset Management Prospect Series - Focusing on Corporate Sustainability and Enhancing Market Investment Value. |
06.26~12.23 | Arranged 21 sessions of the Futures and Options Promotional Lectures 2022 under the commission of TAIFEX. |
07.05~09.16 | Held Phase 1 (domestic training) of the 2022 ALPHA+ Training Program for Asset Management. |
07.15~09.15 | Organized the financial knowledge online quiz game "Taiwan Financial Services Treasure Hunt" under the commission of the TFSR. |
07.22、07.27、08.03 | Organized 3 sessions of the 2022 Securities Industry Legal Compliance Promotional Conference. |
07.27~08.19 | Arranged the Securities Market Training Camp for Teachers under the commission of TWSE, which included 8 onsite courses and 1 online promotion activity. |
08.03~12.18 | Organized the “Investing Mutual Funds” podcast program, with 8 episodes broadcasted. |
08.05~08.06 | Organized the 2022 Study Camps for the Senior Executives of Asset Management. |
08.05、08.12、08.19、09.16 | Arranged the 99th Securities and Futures Markets Regulations and Case Studies Seminar (Judges, Officials, and Clerks, and Judges’ Assistants). |
08.07 | Organized the second professional subject exam on securities, securities investment trust and consulting, and futures, and internal control basic competency exam in 2022. |
08.15~08.16 | Organized the 2022 Practical Course for Information Security in Securities and Futures - Financial Information Security Incident Handling Practice. |
08.19 | Organized New Solutions and Key Strategies of Metaverse Concept Seminar. |
08.31 | Announce the SFI 2021 Sustainability Report (Chinese and English versions). |
09.13~112.01.10 | Organized the 2022 Interdisciplinary Financial Analysis bachelor’s degree course. |
09.15~112.01.12 | Organized the Asset Management Big Data and Algorithm Application Practices master's degree course for the 2022 academic year. |
09.16 | Organized the 2022 Asset Management Prospect Series - Promoting Sustainable Industry Upgrades and Focusing on International Alternative Investment Trends. |
09.16~09.17 | Organized the 2nd Certified International Investment Analysts(CIIA) Foundation and Final Exams in 2022. |
09.16~112.01.13 | Organized credit courses of the Asia Regional Finance and Financial Innovation and Transaction Courses 2022-2021 in Taichung. |
09.17~11.05 | Organized 5 large-scale investor education events on New Investment Trends in 2022, with livestreaming. |
09.20、09.27、09.30 | Organized the 2022 Advanced Wealth Management Specialist Training Workshop. |
09.21~112.01.11 | Organized the 2022 International Investment Analysis master's degree course. |
09.21~112.01.11 | Organized the 2022 ESG and Investment Analysis bachelor’s degree course. |
09.23~10.07 | Organized the 2022 Understanding Asset Management Market Practice Course- for prosecutors/investigators and judicial officers. |
09.26~12.28 | Organized the "Knowledge is King: the 19th Grand Contest on Investment Securities for University Students", including the online qualifying round, regional semifinal round, and the final round, under the commission of TWSE. |
09.29~09.30 | Organized the 2021 Workshops for Understanding Futures and Options Market Practices for Prosecutors/Investigators (8th). |
09.30~11.08 | Arranged 10 sessions of the Securities and Futures Industry (Including Introducing Brokers) Legal Compliance Promotional Conference. |
10.03~10.04 | Organized the 2022 Practical Course for Information Security in Securities and Futures - Essentials of Financial Information Security Auditing. |
10.03~10.09 | Participated in World Investor Week 2022, which was organized by the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) and the FSC. |
10.05、10.12、10.19、10.26 | Arranged the 2022 Insider Ownership Regulations for TWSE-Listed Companies and Unlisted Public Companies under the commission of Taiwan Stock Exchange. |
10.06 | Launch the website of the "Mutual Fund Investor Learning Path". |
10.07~11.04 | Organized 2022 Financial Technology Capacity Building Training Program - Big Data Analysis. |
10.14~12.14 | Organized the online “Fun with Futures Campaign” to raise awareness. |
10.18~12.18 | Organized the “What’s Up Mutual Funds” YouTuber online video promotion project, 5 promotional videos were produced and an online promotion zone was set up. |
10.19~10.20 | Organized the 2022 Training Program for Green and Sustainable Finance. |
10.18~12.15 | Arranged the Futures Asset Management Personnel Training Program under the commission of TAIFEX. |
10.28 | Organized the 2022 New Trends in CFTC Derivatives Regulation Seminar |
11.07~12.19 | Organized 2022 Financial Technology Capacity Building Training Program - Artificial Intelligence. |
11.11 | Arranged the Derivatives Trading Strategies and Market Outlook for TWSE/TPEx Listed Companies under the commission of TAIFEX. |
11.17~11.18 | Organized the 2022 Global Asset Management Course (6th). |
11.22 | The SFI was graded A in the evaluation of private employment service agencies in placing domestic workers in the country conducted by the Department of Labor, Taipei City Government in 2022. |
11.25 | Held the 13th Best S&F Paper Award Ceremony and awarded the Best Paper Award for the 2021 Securities Market Quarterly. |
12.04 | Organized the third professional subject exam on securities, securities investment trust and consulting, and futures, internal control basic competency exam, and AML/CFT Specialist written exam in 2022. |
12.07~12.09 | Organized the 100th Securities and Futures Markets Regulations and Case Studies Seminars (for prosecutors investigators). |